English language plays a vital role in this era of cut-throat competition and globalization. Being one of the widely spoken languages of the world, English learning has become a necessity rather than a desire. In India as well as whole world, though people belong to different regions but English has become a common connecting link of all.
From English grammar to spelling and tone modulation, learning new language might be difficult for you at first. With its exceptions and broad western influence, English language is one of the most versatile languages. Today, non-native speakers of English are outnumbering the natives. Be it any domain, speaking fluent English add an extra pinch of style, confidence and aura to your personality.
Thanks to the improving technology and brains behind them! Today, you have an array of choices to choose your mode of learning English. English Guru is an amazing, smart, portable electronic device to learn mistake-free English in a simple yet interesting manner. English Guru Device is the result of years of data exploration, study and hard work of the language experts. This device is pre-loaded with animated audio-video tutorials based on basic and advance English, comprehensive word list which are suitable for the persons of all ages.
Features of English Guru Device:
Available in 6 regional languages: The presence of multiple languages in English Guru makes it one-of-a-kind device to learn perfect English irrespective of your dialects.
Can be shared by many: This device can be shared among multiple users at the same time.
Can be used anytime and anywhere: This device being extremely portable is easy to carry anywhere and anytime.
Simple approach: The device is based on audio-visual approach of learning through which you can learn in a better way.
Suitable for all ages: The course content in English Guru Device has been designed in such a way that it meets the requirements of all ages to gain command over mistake-free English.
Overall, English Guru Device is a perfect combo that will help you gain command over written as well as spoken English.
For more details, visit http://www.egone.in
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